^^^this is now my favorite and the best hip hop album record to drop last year. Reminds me of all the reasons i fell in love with hip hop.
^^^I've never been much of a fan of this guy, but this is some of his best work for sure. This and Marshall Mathers LPs are some of the best Hip Hop albums in recent years. During these records Em was at the top of his game. He evolved from, "the white boy that can rap and is out to prove something", into a lyrical beast never afraid to express what was on his mind (Artist integrity is at the core of everything I believe in and I respect the hell outta any artist that has a the balls to do what they feel is right not just what will sell). And he does so in such a manner that only he could do. "White America" a pivotal track that sets the tone for the rest of the album. It's one of the most intense intro tracks I've ever heard, filled with shady's witty social commentary that will have you laughing and in deep thought at the same time.
^^^^yea pretty much everyones fav new record atm, so what, its' quality is undeniable. movin on'
^^A phenominal Live EP! that you can get for free right
"Vultres" ,"Neon","Good love is on the way","Stop this train","Who did you think I was","I Don't Trust Myself (With Loving You)", "Heart of Life", "Free Fallin", "... all live, all amazing... Need i go on?
^^^ whoever ran sound for this live album ep deserves a raise, the audio quality trancends every song they perform within EP to the next level. One of my fav Bands/EPs, they've never sounded better.
^^^gave them a chance awhile back and wasn't feelin' it but after a third listen this band is finally starting to click with me