Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's Special Delivery......

So, I got an email saying I won these shoes awhile back. But I haven't been able to see them for myself until today because they were mailed to my house while I was at school. Can you guess what are?? I'll give u a few hints

Getting Warmer......



To all those that guess correctly, congratulations. Yes, these are the Limited Edition Nike Coraline Dunks. How did I win them you may ask? Well, long story short, a friend of mine (Shout out to Premier!) entered me in a contest for the shoes. Since he knew I'm not really a Nike man (Vans till I die), although their are a few exceptions to the rule, he did it in hopes of bettering his own chances. I agreed to allow to enter me in thinking that there was no way in hell I was gonna win, not that I cared. Anyways, I won and he didn't.

The shoes themselves are pretty dope, although I would definitely say they are geared toward the female sneakerhead. Just by looking at the colorway and the fabric used on the shoe. The inner lining is light blue with a star pattern design made from this silky/satin fabric.

But at any rate the initial plan was always to sell them, and give my friend a cut of course. Strangely enough I got a pretty substantial offer for them today from someone on HB, go figure right? God knows I could put that money to good use. But I'm not gonna say how much till everythings official. Till' then, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the week, I know will. Damn it feels good to be out of school.

Good Cop, Baby Cop

Will Farrell's Kid>>>>>>>>>Your worst nightmare

Saturday, April 25, 2009

3sixteen Fall 09' Line

3sixteen Fall 2009 Photoshoot from 3sixteen on Vimeo.

Ok I need all of this. One my favorite brands, shoots a teaser for their upcoming Fall 09' line. They've got some amazing cut & sew stuff, especially the jackets. They're one of the few brands out that pushes streetwear from a hipster/fad trend to a high-end fashion.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thanks Sarah --- Quote of the moment.

This Miranda July quote is my favorite of alltime

"Just because something's uncomfortable doesn't mean it's wrong. And just because you have your doubts about what you're doing, or you don't trust yourself 100 percent, that's normal. There's this illusion that people who do stuff are totally confident, and I've never been. I've been riddled with doubt through the whole thing. You know, with a few flashes of maybe, MAYBE this will be great."

--Miranda July, interviewed in ReadyMade mag

This aged little magazine quote clipping has been taped to my computer monitor for over a year. I read it whenever I'm stuck hating myself too much to be any kind of productive. It helps.

I decided to gank this quote from one of my fav blogs to read Sarah Spy. This quote really rings to me, now especially. There's so much that I want to do, but I think finding the starting point is the hardest thing to do. And who knows if I ever will be as successful as I know will be. At the end of the of the day I just want to apart of something great whether it be something of mine or some else.
I've got one final left, Philosophy 101, my last Gen. Ed. Hopefully forever. Not to worried I'm at B+ and a barely read the text. I just skim or get a kid from the class to reiterate the important parts.
I was talking 1 of my roommates yesterday and we had a indepth discussion about finals. Why is it that some teachers in fuckin kids over in the finals? Like a teacher tells you what to study for final yet ignores their statements and put stuff you never went over in class on the final? Many if not all, already know how overly critical/stressed about their grade already. I think it's unfair that so much one's grade has to be put into 1 test, even thought u just spent 15 weeks learning about it. We can came to the conclusion that school should either not have cumulative finals or have a cumulative final that is not excessively weighted. Thoughts?

Side note: just heard John Legend's first album for the first time in awhile.... we need to bring back the old Jlegend and forget this greenlight crap, although i am afan of that song.

anywho im going to bed. I'm excited about getting more than +4hours of sleep tonight, haven't had that in ahwile.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Math

so i found this site, it was created by this guy named Craig Dramrauar its called New Math. Basically, through his observations of life he formulates mathematical equations in order to answer some of its' toughest question. Ha not really, their just funny and clever. He updates it every monday. Here are some of my favs:

heres one I thought of: Gorgeous weather + finals studying = unproductiveness and cruel punishment

Monday, April 20, 2009

Weeklys... Here to stay... hopefully

OK so as you guys know I really wanted to do weeklys (A small batch of the best photographs I took the previous week). But as you also know, "Life" happens sometimes, you lose track or get caught up in the mix. At any rate. I'm gonna try and start doing this again. I'm also going to set a weekly task in my Blackberry to remind to do this every week. Over the past few days I've had the privilege of being able to shoot more stuff over a small string of days then I've had in awhile. But, I'm also gonna post some older stuff that I wanted to post just never got around to. these should be relatively high res versions. I've had some ideas floating in my head for a few days now and I want to get'em shot, but I need a volunteer(s), to par take in it. don't worry it'll be dope, I just wanna try a few techniques I've learned over the last week or so. any takers?

Now I must sleep, 2 finals tomorrow (er, today). wish me luck.

Friday, April 17, 2009

A.P.C. Summar Madras 09

Summer Goodness is finally arriving....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lula Magazine: best persciption sunglasses.

OK so i normally don't do this... but after seeing these photos I was compelled to post them. These are some the dopest fahsion shots I've seen in awhile. I really like the 50s-era power woman style-connoisseur feel that these portray so stunningly. All thanks to stylist stylist Aya Kanai and photog Blossom Berkofsky. Shots like these could make the uglisest/most borning pair of frames look appealing. Great work girls.

Speaking of sunglasses I've been debating whether i should get a new pair for the summer. I like my Benz Aviators but I think I something alittle more comptempary, they're called SUPERs. They have wayfer feel, but slightly more semitrical. I know wayfers are timeless classic yahdadayahda and I agree, but I will never purchase willing just so ppl have them. Here a few I've been eying lemme know you thoughts and maybe that'll help me make my decision.

^^ these are a shiner grey

*sigh* I must return to my studies....

Fame Fest in Italy

The FAME Festival was a 3-month long artist 'festival' of sorts in Italy where Studiocromie invited artists from all stretches of the globe to participate in a free-form art event.