Friday, September 26, 2008

Stole this from the Sartorialist

One my favorite blogs to check nowadays. I also jacked this comment that pretty much says it all thanks conor!

There are a lot of clever things going on here. Chiefly this gentleman knows how to dress for his body size. His trousers are perfect and show that a cuff can work well. The blue-black rule-breaker doesn't apply in this case because he tops and tails it with the brown suede shoes and the light tortoise/yellow Gregory Pecs. The hair is perfect - just worked correctly even though it's receding. He's a thinner fellow than most, but the coat on the shoulders adds dash, gravitas and retired Muskateer presence. Finally, Esquire writer Tom Junod's legendary 'Top Fashion Tips from my Father' article which contains the rule about 'a black turtle neck is the single most flattering thing a man can wear because it places your head figuratively and literally on a pedestal' applies here: he's got a great profile and carries himself with panache. If you were going to meet your banker, surgeon or confessor, who would you rather meet, this blade, or Mr Fitzwell from a few days ago? No contest.

The shoes and the jacket are impeccable. I can only hope to have 1/2 that much style/sophistication/swag/charm when I hit that age.

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