got this from my boy Ibn Jasper's Blog. I thought it was fitting considering that it was raining today where I was in Michigan. You can buy it here
***oh side note, i should have a new banner up and ready for the site sometime this weekend. A good idea for one just hit me earlier today, time to put those old photoshop skills to the test.
I would say this is probably my favorite trailer of all time. To a movie that,dare I say it, defines a generation. But the reason i posted this trailer was mostly because I just heard that Frou Frou song ("Let Go", the song playing in the background) for the first time in a really long time. And I realized what a masterpiece that song is so fitting to the trailer as well as to one of the themes to the movie.
The album has beeen out for alittle while now but it didnt get an official cover to now. I understand the concept behind this cover, but I dont like how it was executed. I mean it's clearly two check sucking face, and thats fine, but I would of done the shot alittle differently. I actually perfer the first album cover, depicted below.
I always wanted to become a dope painter, even though my skills/talents lie within drawing/sketching . This portraits are simply amazing my fav is the B.B. King one
Master painter and self-described “personality portrait” artist SEBASTIAN KRUGER is a force of nature. As a classically trained painter schooled in the tradition of the old masters who just happens to be one of the world’s most incredible caricaturists (and diehard rocker), it wasn’t long before the two modes forever melded. The result is an unmistakably unique fine art style that that the artist has been working to refine—with incredible results—for the better part of two decades now. Now, turning his brush to the blues legends that birthed the Glimmer Twins, the artist has just put the finishing touches on a new “Blues” series that is simply epic in detail. Paying tribute to some of the genre’s foremost innovators including harp player LITTLE WALTER, and guitarists ROBERT JOHNSON, MUDDY WATERS, BB KING, ALBERT COLLINS, and “The Hook” (aka: JOHN LEE HOOKER), Krüger captures them in all their sweaty glory with a touch totally unique to the master.
Ok so I meant to post earlier this week but I forgot. I heard this song for the first time on monday, thanks to my roommate. It completely blew me away and instantly became my favorite song, and still is. It's definitely one of the best songs to come out this year. The album is itself is decent, but I actually think their EP(Sun Giant - EP) is more consisent. I personally think that as great as this performance is, the album version is still much better, if you can believe that. I have a chance to see them in a week or two although I'm still debating on whether to go or not. Nonetheless, I'm going to post the lyrics because it, along with everything else in this song is what makes it perfect. My brother where do you intend to go tonight? I heard that you missed your connecting flight, to the blue ridge mountains, over near Tennessee.
You're ever welcome with me any time you like, Let's drive to the country side, leave behind some green-eyed look-a-likes, So no one gets worried, no. So no one gets worried, no.
But Sean don't get callous, I'm sure it'll be fine. I love you, I love you, Oh brother of mine.
In the quivering forest, Where the shivering dog rests, I will do it grandfather, Wilt to wood and end. And the river got frozen, And the hole got snowed in, And near the moon glow ride, Till the morning light.
Terrible am I child? Even if you don't mind, In the quivering forest, Where the shivering dog rests, I will do it grandfather, Wilt to wood and end. And the river got frozen, And the hole got snowed in, And near the moon glow ride, Till the morning light.
One my favorite blogs to check nowadays. I also jacked this comment that pretty much says it all thanks conor!
There are a lot of clever things going on here. Chiefly this gentleman knows how to dress for his body size. His trousers are perfect and show that a cuff can work well. The blue-black rule-breaker doesn't apply in this case because he tops and tails it with the brown suede shoes and the light tortoise/yellow Gregory Pecs. The hair is perfect - just worked correctly even though it's receding. He's a thinner fellow than most, but the coat on the shoulders adds dash, gravitas and retired Muskateer presence. Finally, Esquire writer Tom Junod's legendary 'Top Fashion Tips from my Father' article which contains the rule about 'a black turtle neck is the single most flattering thing a man can wear because it places your head figuratively and literally on a pedestal' applies here: he's got a great profile and carries himself with panache. If you were going to meet your banker, surgeon or confessor, who would you rather meet, this blade, or Mr Fitzwell from a few days ago? No contest.
The shoes and the jacket are impeccable. I can only hope to have 1/2 that much style/sophistication/swag/charm when I hit that age.
those japanese geeks man, what will they think of next. The possibilities with this are limitless. Think advenue that they could get from the large companies who would want to advertise their product if you clicked on it.
Maserati is a company with a deep-rooted racing heritage, and it isn't about to let that fall by the wayside. With that in mind, the Trident marque has released details of its latest competition model, called the GranTurismo MC Corse Concept.
Ok I am now on the fence about what should be my next phone. 3G iPhone, Blackberry Bold, or Andriod? I'm leaning towards the Bold now... any suggestions?
Look, it even comes with a little nifty denim bible. I think im gonna do seawater recipe even though ill only be 4 month mark when I'm back on the Mexico's coast in December.
the next 6 months should be interesting to say the least. course ill still rock my10Deep denim from time to time
ok first off im not politcal at all but terry richardson is one my art inspirations. guys does great work prolly has one the best jobs in the world. so mad i should of asked for a pic when i met him
all i gotta say is great job on the aesthetically, that car looks great. *applauds* definitely the best looking hybrid car out there. This plug-in hybrid can drive up to 40miles just on electricity. Which is just right for an average daily commute. not bad for a 1st gen i'd say. lets hope price tag will be reasonable.