this is genius!! I actually digg the original song alot, aside from the ignorant premise of it all. it's just a fun song to listen to in a club, of which I've been in a lot of lately. With it's impersonator cast and high production value, this spoof is mos def a win, win.
Other things: I'm once again, I'm super pumped for seeing
my boys perform this coming Tuesday. I been listening to their new free live album and although it's only 9 songs, it has everything it that makes their lives shows great in it. Which are: great vocals, the crowd's interaction, and Chris' corky commentary. Can't wait to hear Fix You live again, definitely my fav song live, that and in my place, and Viva's great too. This will be my 3rd show in the past 2 years and I have yet to pay a dime to go to any of them and for that, I am extremely grateful. Thanks to the boys, and my friends at
Oxfam. Because of them I will probably never miss a show in wherever city I will be in.
Through their music they've taught me so much. Things that I have made me who I am today, so anything I can do to return the favor I will gladly do. I remember when I finally gave them a listen in 05' and they clicked almost instantly with me. I yearned to see them live being my luck, they had just finished their US Tour that year. I had to wait 3years b4 i got my next chance. Since then, I've never missed a chance to see them and plan never to for as long as I can.
enough of that; I'm contemplating going Bonarroo still. I definitely want to go but there are things holdin me back.... other then that something big looks to be on the horizon for me but I cannot to say until i know for sure (and I've been praying nearly everyday for it to happen). I'll let u all know as soon as I do.
I'm gonna try and post more now that the summer's hit. check me out on
last.fmBest Regards.