Thursday, April 10, 2008

*Cliche* Hello World

First real attempt at a blog. Commencing................ NOW!

Well, now that's out the way I would like to welcome you all to my blog. I've been thinking of starting a blog for sometime now. I have just been too lazy and too busy with life to start one. Now, the purpose of this blog is simply this: Posting anything I find interesting/funny/cool/insightful/intriguing/whatever during my daily travels through the "inter-webs". My goal to start will be to try and post stuff three times a week, maybe more maybe less. With that said let's get started!

oh yea please excuse any grammatical/punctuation errors lotta times what happens is a my mind thinks waayyy faster than i can actually type, funky typos occur because of it. I'll go back an edit when I can.

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