Friday, March 20, 2009

"What's a twitter" - so true... *smh*

The twitter craze is getting out hand. So much so FB has hopped on the train and into with this almost worthless sorry excuse for social networking/microblog/whatever site. And because of it I've been seriously considering getting rid of my fb account. This video properly expresses the disdain I have for such dumb site. I'm realizing now that these social networking sites while their benefits are apperant in strengthing bonds between people. They have a part in severing them, and have quickly become a somtimes unhealthy addiciton for today's young adults. ME included. But i've tried my best to get it under control. at my worst, i was logging on instinct, as soon has my fingers touched a keyboard. I feel like more and more that younger people today would perfer communiating through mediums such as fb, myspace, twitters, tumblr, pounce, or txting than real world means. And well that's all well in good in moderation, it's still nothing like carrying on a enlighting/funny/insightful convo in real life. It just urks sometimes. before i go off on tangent i'll stop here tonight. i must sleep.

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