Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mode-Gakuen Spiral Towers: Nagoya, Japan

Epic. Ok I Know I'm going to head to Japan at some point, so I'm adding this to my long list of "places to hit up while there". Cuz this is nothing short of amazing.
This stunning structure by architectural group Nikken Sekkei really does set the standard for educational architecture. Located on busy Main Street in Nagoya, Japan, the Mode-Gakuen Spiral Towers were designed for three schools that represent the school of fashion design, computer programming, and medical support. The concept of the towers are derived from the enthusiasm of students from three schools, twining and rising up to the sky then departing to the real world.

Three buildings of class rooms around the spiral core are called “Wings”. The towers' wing-like shape, narrow at the top, changes the rotation axis as they rise and create an organic curve. Spiral Towers appears to change shape slightly when viewed from different angles, giving an elegant yet dynamic impression.

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